Philipsburg, St. Maarten cruise port guide
This Caribbean paradise is actually the smallest land mass in the world divided on two parts, one French and one Dutch, roughly 60:40 or 54km² belong to the French Republic and 34 km² to Kingdom of the Netherlands, but the both parts are roughly equal in population. The division dates back to 1648 and the names are: Sint Maarten is the Dutch name for the island, with Philipsburg as a capital city, and Saint Martin-the French name of the island, whose main city is Marigot. There is no border, though; only monuments and signs that delineate the border. The pre-colonial name, a very interesting fact is Oualichi, which means “the island of women.”

History has made two different faces with different looks and personalities, the best known for its shopping, with more than 500 duty-free shops.

Places to visit:
Loterie Farm is a private nature reserve on St. Martin, with 54 hectares of beautiful countryside set deep in the interior of the island. Deep inside can be found saved history amidst abundant trees and thousands of different species. Hiking on the trails and riding the Zip Line Adventures is what visitors can be entertained with if they decide to visit this place.

St. Maarten zoo is small, but still one of the biggest zos in the Caribbean, well kept and unique with the animals walking along with people, not caged. It is located in Philipsburg, Sint Maarten.
The Butterfly Farm is a place where hundreds of colorful butterflies can be seen under a tented mesh. It’s a habitat of around 40 species of butterflies from around the world, including some important rarities, flit and flutter through this miniature, hot and humid bamboo rainforest replica.
Pic du Paradis is the highest point on the island at 427 m with two viewing areas with great views. Visitors are recommended to take a four-wheel ride, and if possible, to be in a company, like excursion or tour, as the area is isolated.

Maho Beach is very close to the International Airport and breathtaking views of low flying landing airplanes can be seen and documented very often during the day.